Alongside research and teaching, professional service to one’s institution, community, and field was an important part of my being a faculty member, particularly in the context of a library and information studies (LIS) school and profession that places significant value on service and volunteer work. While service may officially have been only 20% of my work, I valued and continue to value it through connections to and promotion of the development of LIS research, teaching, and as an academic field; and as establishing and supporting my place in that field and community. In my constant if recently more selective commitment to service, I ensure it remains (a) relevant and connects to my career, research, and teaching; (b) valuable for the university, field, and/or community; (c) active in terms of my participation in all of these; and (d) meaningful and valuable for me as an academic citizen and human being.

Service is both necessary for employment and a responsibility faculty members should fulfill, to help in the running of their department, faculty, and university and in supporting their communities. The University of Alberta specifically calls out supporting “the public good” in its ongoing strategic plan, a vision supported by the School of Library and Information Studies and Faculty of Education I work in, and I believe my service must fulfill this same spirit. To be engaged and responsible I must care about my surroundings; a relatively unsuccessful institution that is not transparent with and accountable to students, staff, and faculty negatively impacts them and my own job role and life as an academic. As someone who does my best to be a positive force in the world, my service philosophy goes beyond job requirements and my own job satisfaction to trying to make the institution, its units, and the LIS profession and field better, stronger, and more successful communities for all involved. I aim to be a positive force for such improvement in my service.

My service has included, among other examples:

Please read my service statement for more details of my service philosophy and my current and future service activities and goals.